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Valencia Mar - Amarres puerto naútico

Belharra Project

Non-profit organization for the marine investigation, divulgation and education, located in Valencia Mar.

It can be kept up thanks to the unselfish effort and dedication of biologists and oceanographers that dedicate their time to achieve the goal of being the first social marine platform.

This project was born from the need to approach our society to the sea, as there’s still a big lack of knowledge about what is going on in our coasts. The proposal is for this approach to be done through science,so that all of you interested in learning about the sea from a more scientific point of view can fulfil your desire for knowledge.

The Belharra project is a platform that aims to reach the following objectives:

  • Offering a platform for marine investigation
  • Promote educative and 
    divulgativeactivities among the citizens.
  • To promote the underwater heritage of the eastern Mediterranean coast.
  • Raise awareness about the importance of keeping the marine environment.
  • Encourage people, especially youngsters and families, to get closer to the sea through educational activities.

If you’d like to have more information you can access their web page at proyectobelharra.org